The name Indonesia derives from the Latin Indus, meaning "India", and the Greek nesos, meaning "island".The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.In 1850,

Friday, April 4, 2008

The response to my video Q&A has been fantastic!

The response to my video Q&A has been fantastic!

They say I have a face for radio, so I'm pleased that people are
enjoying my video tips. ;-)

Here's another new one for you today. The viewer writes...

"How many people work for you, including those you outsource to?""

Ah, yes. We're looking for the magic number. How many people does
the wizard keep behind that curtain to do all the cool special

It's time for me to pull back the kimono, as it were, and reveal
the truth.

But by the time you are done watching, I don't think the number
will be that important. It's what you walk away with that will
really make a difference for your business. :-)

View my answer at:

Live life today!


P.S. - Watch for a cameo from my Video Producer, Chris Harper!

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Are you reading this newsletter?

Are you reading this newsletter?

I know... stupid question. Of course you are.

But do you find your mailbox packed with email from marketers?

Have you signed up for so many newsletters that you can't figure
out what is worthwhile and what is not?

You aren't alone.

One viewer at asks...

"Whose newsletters would you recommend I unsubscribe from so I can
keep up with essential changes, but not get distracted reading too
many things?"

Whoa. Now THAT is a field of landmines if ever I saw one!

But take heart, for I have an answer for you...

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I'm about to share a hard truth with you.

I'm about to share a hard truth with you.

I hope you are sitting down, cause here we go...

Most of the people reading this newsletter will never make money


Sure, read it again. You heard me right.

Now before you go questioning me, let me say this.

It's not because you aren't smart enough.

It's not because you aren't creative enough.

And it's not because you can't follow a system.

So why can I say this?

Because I observe my customers, as well as those who purchase
products from other teachers.

And what I have discovered is very sobering indeed.

This is the truth...

Most people won't make money online because they aren't willing to
do what it takes to make it happen!

The people I am speaking are constantly looking for an effortless
way to achieve their goals.

They want the "easy button" approach to making money online. Just
set it and forget it.

Now I am not saying there aren't some dramatic shortcuts, but there
is NO easy button to push!

You may ask, how do I know that people are looking for the easy

Because I know what sells.

Products, services and sites that offer the easy button approach
sell like gangbusters. People will knock down the virtual doors
for the promise of instant wealth. It's really no surprise.

Please don't misunderstand me.

There is nothing wrong with software that can get your site higher
search engine ratings, templates that can help you build a site
quickly and easily, or all-in-one instant web stores that pay you

The problem is that you can't just set these things up and expect
them to magically work without you putting in effort!

Ah, but present people with an EDUCATION...

Present people with TRAINING...

Present people with all the TOOLS and RESOURCES they could possibly
need to build the profitable Internet business of their dreams...

Well, there's the rub.

What I've discovered is that most people don't WANT an education.

They want the easy button.

And then they wonder why they aren't making money online. Sigh...

Here's the deal.

Making money online is NOT rocket science! That's a very good
thing, because I'm no rocket scientist. (For the record, I am also
not a brain surgeon.)

I hope you'll listen to me carefully now.

If you want to make money onlne, you are going to have to give up
the fantasy of purchasing an easy button.

If you want to make money online, you are going to have to learn
what to do and how to do it.

If you want to make money online, you are going to have to WORK for

Ah, there's that four-letter word... WORK.

Real entrepreneurs aren't afraid of work. They embrace it.

People who understand this are one hundred times more likely to
succeed online than someone who is still searching for the elusive
easy button!

And I am hoping YOU are one of those people.

If you aren't serious about making money online, you can stop
reading now. What I have to say won't help you.

But assuming you aren't afraid of an education...

That you aren't afraid to learn AND apply what you learn...

And that are willing to do the work needed to reach your goals...

Then I've got just the thing for you.

Keith Wellman understands this mindset.

Keith is a perfect example of someone who was looking for the easy
button and experiencing all kinds of frustration, until he learned
how the system works.

His first product made $7,000. I think that is a realistic and
attainable number.

In month two, Keith made $10,000.

In month three, he made $20,000.

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Soon, Keith did a six-figure launch and now he is a respected name
in the industry.

So I pay close attention to whatever he does.

Keith now agrees that a solid education is the primary foundation
you MUST lay in order to succeed online.

And he set out to prove that regular people with no Internet
marketing experience could create an information product and make
it wildly profitable WITHOUT the help of the "gurus".

He ook on four newbies and taught them everything he knew... Guess
what happened?

All four of them had a 100% success rate, with earnings for their
first sixty days being between $9000 and $16000 EACH!

This is REAL proof that what Keith teaches works...

... and now you can get this SAME teaching in Keith's Million
Dollar March package.

This package is huge... I mean wait until you see everything that
is included in this comprehensive Internet marketing education.

And the best part is you can get the entire course shipped to you
right away for just $147 down!

Oh, I guess there is another "best part"...

How does BONUS entry to a live 3-Day Million Dollar March event
sound to you? This conference alone is worth $3000, so I would
recommend taking advantage of it.

If you are one of those people who is ready to get serious about
building an online business, you have an opportunity to acquire all
the information you need for just $147 down today.

And if you are still not sure if the Internet marketing niche is
for you, that's ok. Just keep learning through this newsletter
and other free resources.

Check out Keith's Million Dollar March now at:

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I try to be very transparent about the ways I make money on the web.

I try to be very transparent about the ways I make money on the web.

It's really no secret and I've nothing to lose by sharing this
information with you. I don't like to hold back as that doesn't
contribute to your success at all.

So I'm about to reveal one of my biggest secrets for profiting

Ok, it's really more along the lines of "incredibly obvious", but
I'm amazed at how many people still drop the ball in this area.

It's come to be known as a "squeeze page", but I prefer to call it
an "opt-in" page.

You've seen them a dozen times if you have seen them once.

You are promised a free report, exclusive video, teleseminar
registration or some other "ethical bribe" in order for you to hand
over your name and email address.

Your name and email address is VALUABLE to you!

So I never ask for this information unless I believe it is really
worth your while to share it with me.

Here's the thing...

Once you opt-in to someone's mailing list, you now have the ability
to write them any time you want and send them additional

Stop and think of the power that brings.

I don't care what your site is about... If you don't have an opt-in
page to collect names and email addresses from your visitors, you
are missing one of the key components that can ensure your online

It's said that it costs TEN times more to acquire a new customer
than to keep an existing customer.

Visitors to your site are like customers, and if you aren't finding
a way to make them regular visitors, well... ouch is all I can say.

Now I've seen some opt-in pages that are absolutely incredible, and
I've seen some pages that would make you head for the hills.

The bottom line is this...

A professional looking opt-in page template can really increase
your conversions, and if you're monetizing your list correctly this
can add it up to serious dollars.

So when my in-house Idea Guy, Dan Nickerson, showed me a really
impressive looking Opt-in Template package, and told me the deal he
was offering, I knew I had to share it with you.

He's offering some very professional opt-in templates, his own
ZipSense ebook, some videos designed for new opt-in users as well
as some other guides for just $7.00.

You can check it out at:

There's even some unadvertised bonuses too.

Dan's having a mini firesale of sorts, to celebrate the 10 year
anniversary of one of his sites. (Hint, after you order you'll get
a link to loads of Tips!)

Even if you have an opt-in page, you are going to want these opt-in
templates for your collection. I encourage you to check it out.

For $7, you just can't lose...

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Here's a question that has been asked a dozen different ways...

Here's a question that has been asked a dozen different ways...

"My biggest concern is how do I figure out who to take advice from?
As a newbie, many of us spend a lot of money buying programs and
other stuff that¹s fluff. Are there indicators that let us know
what is good and what is junk? Thanks and have a blessed day!"

Great question!

Check out my video reply at:

Be sure to leave your comments.

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Are you noticing that the market is being flooded with product

Are you noticing that the market is being flooded with product
launch after product launch?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

And why is it happening?

One viewer ask ,"What is the forecast for Internet marketing?"

I take out my crystal ball and answer in this brief video at:

Be sure to please leave your comments, and remember to...

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

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Behind closed doors

Hey Radhian,

Behind closed doors.

It's terminology that says "you weren't invited and you'll never
know what was said."

That's too bad, because some of the biggest secrets are spilled
behind closed doors.

No one likes to be shut out, but that is precisely what happened to

She entered the room.

He sat down with her.

The tape rolled.

I was asked to leave.

Who wouldn't want to peak inside?!?

I've finally had a chance to peak at what took place in that room...

... and now you can too Radhian!

Hurry, because the doors WILL close again.

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

It's all about video these days, isn't it Radhian?

It's all about video these days, isn't it Radhian?

I just read that YouTube signed a deal with Tivo. Soon, you'll be
able to stream YouTube videos directly to your TV via your DVR.

Cool. huh?

Many people have submitted questions asking how they can take
advantage of the video revolution and get started making their own
videos for the web.

I've got an answer that will get your started at:

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

answers to questions submitted by my readers

Over the past few weeks, I have created over a dozen videos
providing you with answers to questions submitted by my readers.

The series has been a huge success with thousands of people
watching each video!

One of things people have enjoyed most is the fact that I am
offering free content. This is valuable advice that others might
have you pay for.

You really don't want to miss any of these videos and I want to
make sure you are on my priority notification list.

To make that happen, I've created a simple video explaining how to
subscribe to my videos via YouTube.

Simply visit this page to find out just how easy it is. It's a
one-minute video and I promise it will be worth your while.

After you've done that, I invite you to check out the newest video

The question asked was, "What is the fastest and easiset way to
make money online?"

Click below for my answer, and remember to bring your "easy button"!

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

You've registered your domain...

You've registered your domain...

You've created your site design...

You've added original content...

And now you wonder where the money is.

It's a common story, but it is one that is easily resolved with one


You can easy-button your way through registration, design and

But there is NO easy button for traffic. It doesn't exist.

That doesn't mean you can't generate traffic!

In fact, there are a number of ways you can generate traffic to
your site.

Today's entry focuses on one method of traffic generation...


Take, for example, this new site all about fresh maine lobster.

Now I am not a fan of lobster, or any seafood for that matter.

But people who like lobster really like lobster!

What is doing to get traffic?

Simple. They are giving away a $100 LobsterGram gift certificate!

There are two things I want you to take note of...

1) If you like lobster, you should definitely enter as there are
only a couple entries on the page as of this writing. Seems like a
great opportunity to have a chance at winning.

2) Pay attention to how the contest drives traffic to the site and
think about how you might be able to encourage visitors with some
sort of contest. It's not difficult to do!

Your contest doesn't need to be complex. It just needs to offer a
low barrier to entry and provide a prize of value. In this case,
simply commenting or linking to the site can get you a $100
Lobstergram gift certificate. Both criteria are met.

Take a look. The actual contest page is here...

Good luck. :-)

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I will stir things up

I try not to be highly controversial on my blog, but from time to
time I will stir things up.

When it comes to politics, I tend to "duck and cover."

And this political season is not much different.

In the past, I used to frequent political sites to debate and
gather information.

Unfortunately, most of these sites either lean drastically to one
side or the other, or the people on the site just verbally abuse
each other.

That's why it is refreshing to come across a site where all kinds
of political discourse are encouraged, but members are not allowed
to flame each other (eg: no abuse!)

I invite you to visit Political Fever and join in the great
discussion, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on.

Of course, those outside the U.S. may find it interesting as well!

It appears that Obama Barack is going to get the Democratic
nomination and run against John McCain for the presidency this
coming November.

Yes, Hilary still has a ever-so-slight chance to shake things up.

What is your opinion?

Visit now and engage in the discussion...

Live life today!


P.S. - Note that just because a site may not appear related to
Internet marketing doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention. If I
send you a site, there is always more than one reason. In this
case, pay attention to how a member sites can be developed and

P.P.S. - Happy Easter! :-)

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I've got a pretty colorful past Radhian.

I've got a pretty colorful past Radhian.

I got my first job when I was fourteen-years old, working behind
the counter of a fast-food restaurant at Northbrook Court shopping
mall in Northbrook, Illinois.

After all, I needed to save up money to buy a TRS-80 Model I
computer from Radio Shack!

Once I acquired my driver's license, I worked in the health &
beauty department at Venture. Yes, I was a stockboy.

At the age of seventeen, I was fortunate enough to get hired for
one of my best jobs ever, a "grunt" at a video store in Deerfield,
Illinois. Surrounded by Apple computers, big-screen televisions
and Atari video game cartridges, I was almost in heaven!

After several years of nightclub DJing my way through college at
the University of Illinois, I moved to Dallas and eventually began
my sales career.

You know the commercials with the old woman who says "I've fallen
and I can't get up"?

Yes, I sold emergency alert systems for a time. Don't laugh. I
did pretty well.

When I was at that job, I remember striking up a business
friendship with a man by the name of Phil Fisher.

Phil was a seasoned salesman. He seemed like the kind of guy who
had made a profession out of selling whatever he could to make a
living. And he appeared quite knowledgable, gaining my respect in
short order.

One of the things Phil taught me is that the world's best leaders
are almost always readers.

Well, since I already had a love for books, I guess I wasn't
surprised at this theory and I still enjoy reading quite a bit to
this day.

I've just created a new video to discuss five books which I believe
are essential for all Internet marketers and entrepreneurs. I
think you'll enjoy these and I highly recommend picking them up at

What are some of YOUR favorite books for business? Please be sure
to let me know in the comments section of the site.

Live life today!


P.S. - Did I really need to go through my entire early work history
to make this point? No. But I thought you might find it
interesting just the same. :-)

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I love to experiment with technology.

I love to experiment with technology.

And on Wednesday at 1 pm EST, I am going to give you an opportunity
to experiment right along with me!

You've participated in teleseminars...

And you've participated in webinars...

But now I invite you to join me for the very first "Joel Comm
LIVE!" TV show streaming direct to you over the web!

During this one-hour program, I will be answering questions from
viewers in real time. Simply type your questions into the chat
window and I will do my best to give you answers.

I will be joined by my friend and co-worker, Dan Nickerson, so it
is sure to be an entertaining and informative time.

How can you prepare for my first-ever live show?

First, mark your calendar with this information...

Program: Joel Comm LIVE!
Date: Wednesday, March 26th
Time: 1 pm EST (12 noon CST, 11 am MST, 10 am PST)

Next, you will want to register to be able to ask your questions in
the chat room.

To do this, go to:

Once you are registered (for free) you will be able to participate
by asking questions.

Finally, bookmark this page...

This is where you will be able to watch the show as it happens and
say that you were part of history!

Honestly, I don't know what to expect as I've never done this
before. But I have a feeling it is going to be time well spent for

I will send a reminder in tomorrow's newsletter, but be sure to
mark your calendar now so you don't miss out. :-)

See you LIVE on Wednesday.

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I've got two things to tell you about today...

I've got two things to tell you about today...

First, today is the day that I am launching "Joel Comm LIVE", an
internet-based program that invites you to interact with me as I
field questions about making money online from viewers.

This will take place TODAY at 1 pm EST.

You will want to register so you can have an opportunity to ask me
a question in my chat room.

To do this, go to:

Here is the info you need to then participate in the program:

Program: Joel Comm LIVE!
Date: Wednesday, March 26th
Time: 1 pm EST (12 noon CST, 11 am MST, 10 am PST)

The other thing is this.

Tomorrow is the long-awaited premier of Jeff Walker's Product
Launch Formula v2.0.

I have no doubt that it is going to be one of the biggest launches
of the year, and it may just sell out before the day is out.

I give Jeff and this product my highest recommendation, and I've
put together a bonus for you that ties in directly with Product
Launch Formula.

I'll give you a hint... how would you like to see behind the scenes
of $1,000,000 launch?

Ok, make sure you wait for my email tomorrow to provide you with
more details.

As for today, join me for "Joel Comm LIVE!" at 1 pm EST. I hope we
don't have any technical glitches :-)

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Be careful...

Be careful...

If you don't add the right amount of each ingredient, you could
ruin the entire meal.

Easy now...

If you mix those chemicals incorrectly, it could be explosive.

Watch it...

If the calculations aren't perfect, the shuttle may never make it
off the launching pad.

Many things in life demand precision.

There are some absolutes that do not allow for the least bit of give.

One wrong step and the greatest ideas can become the greatest

What makes us think that running a business online is any different?

In fact, what makes us think that running ANY kind of business,
online OR offline, is any different?

It isn't.

I would venture to say that the majority of products and services
that have failed do so because of a poor marketing plan. In other
words, the owners/managers didn't know the formula for success.

Wait a minute, Joel. Are you saying that there is a FORMULA for

Are you saying that I can apply this formula to my business,
regardless of what it is, and achieve my goals?

Are you telling me that most businesses fail just because people
don't follow a formula?!

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying!

Here's what I am NOT saying.

I am NOT saying that every business should have the same marketing
plan. You can't sell toothpaste the same way you sell a Lexus.
The content of these marketing plans would be significantly

But what I AM saying is that you can apply a formula that is proven
to work to the marketing of both toothpaste and automobiles!

So what is the formula?

It's one that has stood the greatest scrutiny and found to work
again and again.

It's the formula that is responsible for tens of millions of
dollars in product launches on the web.

It's the formula that has taken people with no web site and an
unheard of product to freedom and independence in record

I'm talking about Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula v2.0.

I've known Jeff Walker for seven years and he is just a regular guy
with big dreams. His dreams are to help as many people as possible
discover how they can live THEIR dreams!

Jeff's formula is responsible for some of the biggest launches in
Internet marketing history.

Frank Kern's Mass Control
Brad Fallon's Stompernet
John Reese's Traffic Secrets

All told, Jeff is responsible for over $70 million dollar in
product launches!

You think Jeff knows a thing or two about successfully launching a
product online?

There's no doubt that he is the premier expert in the field.

Today at 2 pm EST (11 am PST), Jeff is releasing one of the most
anticipated money-making courses in the history of Internet

The Product Launch Formula v2.0

If this product sold for $10,000, I would tell you that it would be
money well spent.

If this product was priced at $5,000, I would shout from the
mountaintops that every entrepreneur needed to secure their copy

The fact that this product is going to be priced at LESS than
$2,000 should have you jumping up and down with anticipation to get
your hands on it before it sells out... because it WILL sell out.
And fast.

I am careful about who I give glowing endorsements too. After all,
my name and reputation is on the line.

I can say with absolute assurance... with my personal guarantee...
and with every bit of conviction I can muster, that Jeff Walker's
Product Launch Formula v2.0 is a MUST-have product that you will
want to own and put into action for your business immediately!

Today, I have a very special offer for you...

You may remember the launch of my Instant AdSense Templates in late

What you may not know is that this launch grossed over $1,000,000
in just five days, virtually unheard of for a low price-point
product such as ours.

On the day of the launch, I had cameras rolling to capture exactly
what took place on that day.

What resulted is an incredible behind-the-scenes looks at one of
the Internet most successful infoproduct launches... ever!

Combined with an interview in which I reveal how I did it to Stu
McLaren, a world-class affiliate manager, this 2-hour DVD is not
available for purchase ANYWHERE else. I have been saving it for
you for such a time as this, and it is yours for free when you
purchase Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula v2.0 by using the
link below.

Go to this site, watch the video preview of the bonus DVD and
follow the instructions to claim yours.

Don't waste any time. Whether your business is online or offline,
secure your copy of Product Launch Formula v2.0 right away at:

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

to be very brief

I'm going to be very brief because I just learned that Jeff
Walker's Product Launch Formula is only going to be available for a
few hours!

He's already told me that they are expecting it to sell out faster
than any other information product and Jeff will NOT flood the

So this is your chance to get it now...

AND, remember that when you purchase Product Launch Formula through
the following link, you will get a bonus DVD that I have NEVER
released to the public! This DVD features 2 hours of behind the
scenes at a million dollar launch and you are not going to want to
miss it.

Go to this site now, watch the video describing the bonus, and then
click to purchase your copy of Product Launch Formula before Jeff
closes the doors.

Good luck!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Yanik Silver's Underground Internet Marketing Conference

Today I am traveling home from Los Angeles where I have been
attending Yanik Silver's Underground Internet Marketing Conference.

This was a fantastic weekend of networking with some very high
level marketers and I'm both exhausted and energized from my time

Anyhow, I've got a few items of interest for you today:

1) I've posted a new video for you. This one answers the question,
"What is affiliate marketing?"

2) I like to use my blog to discuss customer service issues and
have been known to rant when the airlines do stupid stuff.

Ready to read about an experience I just had on United Airlines
where I caught some flight attendants in the act?

Click below:

3) Back by popular demand, it's "Joel Comm LIVE!"

Last Wednesday's live show was a huge hit and I've decided to do it
again this Wednesday at 11 am MST (1 pm EST).

Join me and Dan Nickerson for lunch as we answer your questions and
have fun talking about making money online and whatever else sounds

The show site is:

That's it for today. Enjoy the video and the blog entry, and be
sure to join us on Wednesday for the live show.

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Live life today!

I love Podcasting - here's why.

It brings me a new audience from existing content.

More people - more sales - minimal effort.

Now I'm not so crazy about the word "podcasting". I think it
connotates needing to have technical know-how.

But the fact of the matter is, podcasting is nothing more than
having your own audio "show", and it is a GREAT way to build
loyalty AND get traffic to your site!

When we launched "The Next Internet Millionaire" Podcast, we made
the Top Ten in iTunes in less than 72 minutes.

Less than 72 minutes!

How did we do that?

Meet my Podcasting Secret Weapon... Paul Colligan

Want to know what Paul did to help me launch my show to the top ten?

Paul will be sharing some of his secrets Wednesday night on a

This teleseminar is $99 for the general public...

But I spoke with Paul and convinced him to let my readers in at a
substantial discount.

You ready for this?

You can get in for just $20!

Alex Mandossian is Paul's partner in this effort, so you know the
content is going to be first rate.

The Ask Joel Comm Video Series is also being released as a video
Podcast. I expect the same results.

And I love watching it on my iPhone.

Paul is behind that launch as well.

Training from the best for $79 off.

It doesn't get much better than this.

Check it out because the call happens on Wednesday, April 2nd and
you don't want to miss it.

Live life today!


P.S. - Have you noticed that I am making more videos lately? Pay
attention because there is a very good reason for it. :-)

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

two BIG items

I have two BIG items of interest for you today.

Last week's debut of "Joel Comm LIVE" was a huge hit!

We had over 600 views to our live Ustream channel where Dan
Nickerson and I answered questions from the audience.

It was a great time and I've decided to do it again today.

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April 3, 2008

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Administrative divisions

Map of Indonesia

Administratively, Indonesia consists of 33 provinces, five of which have special status. Each province has its own political legislature and governor. The provinces are subdivided into regencies (kabupaten) and (kota), which are further subdivided into subdistricts (kecamatan), and again into village groupings (either desa or kelurahan). Following the implementation of regional autonomy measures in 2001, the regencies and cities have become the key administrative units, responsible for providing most government services. The village administration level is the most influential on a citizen's daily life, and handles matters of a village or neighborhood through an elected lurah or kepala desa (village chief).

Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Papua, and West Papua provinces have greater legislative privileges and a higher degree of autonomy from the central government than the other provinces. The Acehnese government, for example, has the right to create an independent legal system; in 2003, it instituted a form of Sharia (Islamic law). Yogyakarta was granted the status of Special Region in recognition of its pivotal role in supporting Indonesian Republicans during the Indonesian Revolution. Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, was granted special autonomy status in 2001.Jakarta is the country's special capital region.

Indonesian provinces and their capitals

(Indonesian name in brackets where different from English)
indicates provinces with Special Status


* Aceh (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam) - Banda Aceh
* North Sumatra (Sumatera Utara) - Medan
* West Sumatra (Sumatera Barat) - Padang
* Riau - Pekanbaru
* Riau Islands (Kepulauan Riau) - Tanjung Pinang
* Jambi - Jambi (city)
* South Sumatra (Sumatera Selatan) - Palembang
* Bangka-Belitung (Kepulauan Bangka-Belitung) - Pangkal Pinang
* Bengkulu - Bengkulu (city)
* Lampung - Bandar Lampung


* Jakarta - Jakarta
* Banten - Serang
* West Java (Jawa Barat) - Bandung
* Central Java (Jawa Tengah) - Semarang
* Yogyakarta Special Region† - Yogyakarta (city)
* East Java (Jawa Timur) - Surabaya

Lesser Sunda Islands

* Bali - Denpasar
* West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat) - Mataram
* East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur) - Kupang


* West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat) - Pontianak
* Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah) - Palangkaraya
* South Kalimantan (Kalimantan Selatan) - Banjarmasin
* East Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur) - Samarinda


* North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara) - Manado
* Gorontalo - Gorontalo (city)
* Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah) - Palu
* West Sulawesi (Sulawesi Barat) - Mamuju
* South Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan) - Makassar
* South East Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tenggara) - Kendari

Maluku islands

* Maluku - Ambon
* North Maluku (Maluku Utara) - Ternate


* West Papua (Papua Barat) - Manokwari
* Papua† - Jayapura

Foreign relations and military

National flags at the site of the 2002 terrorist bombing in Kuta, Bali

In contrast to Sukarno's anti-imperialistic antipathy to western powers and tensions with Malaysia, Indonesia's foreign relations approach since the Suharto "New Order" has been one of economic and political cooperation with Western nations. Indonesia maintains close relationships with its neighbors in Asia, and is a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit. The nation restored relations with the People's Republic of China in 1990 following a freeze in place since anti-communist purges early in the Suharto era.[43] Indonesia has been a member of the United Nations since 1950,and was a founder of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).Indonesia is signatory to the ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement, and a member of OPEC, the Cairns Group and the WTO. Indonesia has received humanitarian and development aid since 1966, in particular from the United States, western Europe, Australia, and Japan.
National flags at the site of the 2002 terrorist bombing in Kuta, Bali
National flags at the site of the 2002 terrorist bombing in Kuta, Bali

The Indonesian Government has worked with other countries to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of major bombings linked to militant Islamism and Al-Qaeda. The deadliest killed 202 people (including 164 international tourists) in the Bali resort town of Kuta in 2002. The attacks, and subsequent travel warnings issued by other countries, have severely damaged Indonesia's tourism industry and foreign investment prospects.

Indonesia's 300,000-member armed forces (TNI) include the Army (TNI-AD), Navy (TNI-AL, which includes marines), and Air Force (TNI-AU). The army has about 233,000 active-duty personnel. Defense spending in the national budget was 4% of GDP in 2006, and is controversially supplemented by revenue from military commercial interests and foundations. In the post-Suharto period since 1998, formal TNI representation in parliament has been removed; though curtailed, its political influence remains extensive. Separatist movements in the provinces of Aceh and Papua have led to armed conflict, and subsequent allegations of human rights abuses and brutality from all sides. Following a sporadic thirty year guerrilla war between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian military, a ceasefire agreement was reached in 2005. In Papua, there has been a significant, albeit imperfect, implementation of regional autonomy laws, and a reported decline in the levels of violence and human rights abuses, since the presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

PSM Makassar

PSM Makassar logo
Full name Persatuan Sepak bola Makassar
Nickname(s) Juku Eja (the Red Fish); Pasukan Ramang (Ramang Warrior)
Founded 1915
Ground Mattoangin Stadium
Makassar, Indonesia
(Capacity 30,000)
Chairman Ilham Arif Sirajuddin
League Liga Djarum Indonesia, Copa Indonesia
2006-07 Divisi Utama, 1st place in East division (half seaso

PSM Makassar, founded in 1915, is a football club that plays in the Liga Indonesia. It is one of Indonesia's strongest football clubs, having won a title in 2000 and finishing runner-up three out of the past four seasons after that.

PSM is a one time Liga Indonesia champion. Right now, PSM is facing a serious financial problem. In Makassar, PSM is highly supported and even some of the local band made an album to help their team.

PSM has 24 groups of supporters, some of them are The Macz Man, Mappanyuki, Ikatan Suporter Makasar (ISM), Suporter Hasanuddin, Suporter Dealos, Suporter Reformasi, Komando, Suporter Bias, Suporter Kubis, Karebosi, Gunung Lokong, Suporter PKC (Pannampu, Kalumpang, dan Cumi-cumi).

PSM is one of the best team in Indonesia which has the best stability in performance. They almost always went to semi final of Liga Indonesia. PSM is also the team in first division which spent the most efficient in using money (spent only USD 800,000 and got 1st place of East area [half season]). PSM is also the only one team in Indonesia which has four international players who play in their national team (four of the Togo players play for Togo National Team in World Cup qualification in Africa division).

PSM Makassar now is trying to use a new formation of 4-1-3-2 while attacking and 4-1-4-1 for defense. The coach prefer the effective football like in Premier league than beautiful football from Brazil. He is trying to make a new style of total football in the team which only use one-two touch before passing the ball (kick and rush). He is trying to make the style of Real Madrid now (as 4-1-3-2 is the formation of Real Madrid).

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Pangeran Diponegoro (born Yogyakarta 1785- died Makassar 1855) was a Javanese prince who opposed the Dutch colonial rule. He played an important role in the Java War (1825-1830). In 1830, the Dutch exiled him to Makassar.

Diponegoro was a prince in the Javanese court of Yogyakarta. In the early 19th century the Javanese nobles were deprived of their right to lease land, which right was taken over by the Dutch colonial authority in order to improve their finances. Infuriated by the loss of prestige, and also by not having been chosen for promotion, Diponegoro believed that he had been chosen by divine powers to lead a rebellion against the secular colonials and started a holy war against them. Dipenogoro was widely believed to be the Ratu Adil, the Just Ruler predicted in the Pralembang Joyoboyo.[citation needed]

The beginning of the war saw large losses on the side of the Dutch, due to their lack of coherent strategy and commitment in fighting Diponegoro's guerrilla warfare. Ambushes were set up, and food supplies were denied to the Dutch troops. Diponegoro also enjoyed popular support among the population of Central Java.

The Dutch finally committed themselves to controlling the spreading rebellion by increasing the number of troops and sending General De Kock to stop the insurgencies. De Kock developed a fortress wherein he established a series of heavily-fortified and well-defended soldiers to limit the movement of Diponegoro's troops. Then Diponegoro was invited to negotiate. He accepted but later it was known that it was only Dutch trick to abduct him. He was placed under arrest while meeting under the auspices of negotiation in 1830. The Dutch exiled him to Makassar.

Today Diponegoro is a National Hero in Indonesia, and The Central Java Military Region is named after him.

Erotic dancing

Erotic dance is a major category or classification of dance forms or dance styles, where the purpose is the stimulation or arousal of erotic or sexual thoughts or actions.

This compares to other major dance categories based on purpose, such as ceremonial dance, competitive dance, participation dance, performance dance and social dance.

The erotic dancer's clothing is often minimal, and may be gradually decreased or eliminated altogether. In some areas of the United States, it is illegal for the female dancer to expose her genitalia. These dancers will often wear g-strings.

Nudity, however, is not a requirement of erotic dance. The culture and the ability of the human body is a significant aesthetic component in many dance styles.

Erotic dances include the following dance forms or styles:

* Can-can
* Cage dance
* Go-go dance
* Sexercise
* Striptease
o Pole dance
o Bubble dance
o Fan dance
o Gown-and-glove dance
o Lap dance
+ Couch dance
+ Contact dance
+ Limo lap dance
o Dance of the seven veils
o Table dance
* Grinding (dance)

Erotic dances are sometimes mistakenly referred to (or masked as) exotic dances. While there is overlap, they are not the same. Not all exotic dances are erotic. Not all erotic dances are exotic.

Ceremonial dance

Ceremonial dance is a major category or classification of dance forms or dance styles, where the purpose is ceremonial or ritualistic.

This compares to other major dance categories based on purpose:
Classical Indian dance
Classical Indian dance

- Competitive dance - Erotic dance - Participation dance - Performance dance - Social dance

* Celebration dance
o Festival dance
* Dance in ancient cultures
o Ancient Greece
o Ancient Rome
o Classical Indian dances
* Ritual dance, Magic/Mystic/Spiritual dance
o Circle dance
o Corroborree
o Dances of Universal Peace
o Religious dance
o Ritual dances of India
o Sema, or Whirling dervish dance
o War dance
o Weapon dance

Coppong Daeng Rannu

Coppong Daeng Rannu (born 1920 in Gowa, South Sulawesi) is a master of Makassar ethnic-group dances. She is best known as Rice Goddess in performance I La Galigo.

She has learned dancing since she was 10 years old, continued her family’s dancing-tradition. She learnt dancing from her grandfather, Mosoa Daeng Olla, who taught her Pakarena and Salonreng. Pakarena is a dance performed in palace by 3 dancers, and salonreng is a ritual dance performed in certain event such as in warding off misfortune ceremony. Maybe she is the only one who able to perform the near-extinction Salonreng.

In her ten, she debuted as palace dancer of Balla Lompoa, Gowa Royal Palace. Being a dancer firstly was unthought-of. She was moved her mother words, “if you don’t learn to dance, then there are no one in our family who could carry on our dancing-generation.”

She is aged now, but she is still an active dancer and teacher of her 4 grandchild as well.

In 2004, for 3 months she has performed for I La Galigo across Singapore, Europe, US and Australia.

She is loyal to live as a dancer for her passion of perpetuating Makassar dances. Yet, she concerned about the Makassar dances future, because younger generation don’t have any interest in it.


* In 1999, received award from Indonesian tourism, arts and cultural minister
* In 2000, received award from South Sulawesi Culture Foundation
* In 2004, received award from Robert Wilson (director) in performance of I La Galigo

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hasanuddin International Airport

Waiting room

Hasanuddin International Airport is an airport in Ujung Pandang/Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (IATA: UPG, ICAO: WAAA). Currently, the airport is building a new terminal which is more modern in design and functionality.

The following destinations are served from Hasanuddin:

* Adam Air (Jakarta, Surabaya)
* Batavia Air (Jakarta, Kendari, Manokwari, Palu, Surabaya, Kendari)
* Garuda Indonesia (Balikpapan, Biak, Denpasar-Bali, Jakarta, Jayapura, Manado, Surabaya)
* Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Balikpapan, Biak, Jakarta, Kendari, Luwuk, Manado, Palu, Sorong, Surabaya, Tembagapura, Ternate, Yogyakarta)
* Lion Air (Ambon, Denpasar Bali, Gorontalo, Jakarta, Kendari, Manado, Palu, Surabaya)
* Mandala Airlines (Ambon, Jakarta)
* Sriwijaya Air (Gorontalo, Jakarta, Kendari, Surabaya, Palu)
* Pelita Air Service (Sorowako)
* Dirgantara Air Service (Mamuju, Selayar, Masamba, Palopo, Toraja)
* Express Air (Jakarta, Sorong, Jayapura)
* Trigana Air (Kupang, Luwuk)
* Pelita Air (Jakarta, Sorong)


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Makassar language

Makassar language
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Spoken in: Indonesia
Region: South Sulawesi
Total speakers: 1,600,000 (1989)
Language family: Austronesian
Malayo-Polynesian (MP)
Nuclear MP
South Sulawesi
Writing system: Lontara, Roman alphabet
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: mak
ISO 639-3: mak
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode.

Makassar (sometimes spelled Makasar or Macassar) is both a language and a writing system used by the people in South Sulawesi island (Celebes) in Indonesia.

The Makassar language is a member of the Austronesian language family, and closely related to Buginese in the group South Sulawesi languages.

Although Makassarese is now often written with the Roman alphabet, it is still widely written in its own distinctive script, also called Lontara, which once was used also to write important documents in Bugis and Mandar, two related language from Sulawesi.

The Makassar symbols are written using mostly straight oblique lines and dots. In spite of its is quite distinctive appearance, it is derived from the ancient Brahmi scripts of India. Like other descendants of that script, each consonant has an inherent vowel "a", which is not marked. Other vowels can be indicated by adding one of five diacritics above, below, or on either side of each consonant.

Some common words/phrases in the Makassar language using the Roman alphabet are as follows (' = glottal stop):

* balla' = house;
* bulu = hair/fur;
* bambang = hot/warm;
* cipuru' = hungry;
* doe' = money;
* iyo = yes;
* jappa-jappa = to go for a walk;
* lompo = big/large;
* sallo = long;
* tabe' = excuse me;
* tena = no;
* karaeng = king;
* apa kareba? = how are you?;
* lakeko mae? = where are you going?;
* battu kemae ko? = where have you been?
* ballang = get tanned
* botto' = smelly
* rantasa' = disgusting
* sallo = slowly
* battala = fatty
* billa = far away
* gele-gele = tickle
* kong kong = dog
* jarang = horse
* bembe' = goat

Government and politics

Main article: Politics of Indonesia

Indonesia is a republic with a presidential system. As a unitary state, power is concentrated in the national government. Following the resignation of President Suharto in 1998, Indonesian political and governmental structures have undergone major reforms. Four amendments to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia.have revamped the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. The president of Indonesia is the head of state, commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, and the director of domestic governance, policy-making, and foreign affairs. The president appoints a council of ministers, who are not required to be elected members of the legislature. The 2004 presidential election was the first in which the people directly elected the president and vice president. The president serves a maximum of two consecutive five-year terms.
A session of the People's Representative Council in Jakarta
A session of the People's Representative Council in Jakarta

The highest representative body at national level is the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). Its main functions are supporting and amending the constitution, inaugurating the president, and formalizing broad outlines of state policy. It has the power to impeach the president. The MPR comprises two houses; the People's Representative Council (DPR), with 550 members, and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), with 168 members. The DPR passes legislation and monitors the executive branch; party-aligned members are elected for five-year terms by proportional representation.[37] Reforms since 1998 have markedly increased the DPR's role in national governance. The DPD is a new chamber for matters of regional management.

Most civil disputes appear before a State Court; appeals are heard before the High Court. The Supreme Court is the country's highest court, and hears final cassation appeals and conducts case reviews. Other courts include the Commercial Court, which handles bankruptcy and insolvency; a State Administrative Court to hear administrative law cases against the government; a Constitutional Court to hear disputes concerning legality of law, general elections, dissolution of political parties, and the scope of authority of state institutions; and a Religious Court to deal with specific religious cases.

Indonesian National Revolution and Liberal Democracy Era in Indonesia (1950-1957)

See also: Indonesian National Revolution and Liberal Democracy Era in Indonesia (1950-1957)

Following the Japanese surrender, Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat were summoned by Marshal Terauchi, Commander-in-Chief of Japan's Southern Expeditionary Forces in Saigon. Sukarno initially hesitated in declaring Indonesia's independence. He and Mohammad Hatta were kidnapped by Indonesian youth groups to Rengasdengklok, west of Jakarta. Finally Sukarno and Hatta declared the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945.

Sukarno's vision for the 1945 Indonesian constitution comprised the Pancasila (Sanskrit - five principles). Sukarno's political philosophy, Marhaenism, was guided by (in no particular order) elements of Marxism, nationalism and Islam. This is reflected in the Pancasila, in the order in which he originally espoused them in a speech on June 1, 19451:

1. Nationalism (with a focus on national unity)
2. Internationalism ('one nation sovereign amongst equals')
3. Representative democracy (all significant groups represented)
4. Social Justice (Marxist influenced)
5. Theism (with a secular bent)

In the same speech, he argued that all of the principles of the nation could be summarized in the phrase gotong royong.[10] The Indonesian parliament, founded on the basis of this original (and subsequently revised) constitution, proved all but ungovernable. This was due to irreconcilable differences between various social, political, religious and ethnic factions2.

Sukarno's government initially postponed the formation of a national army, for fear of antagonizing the Allied occupation forces and their doubt over whether they would have been able to form an adequate military apparatus to maintain control of seized territory. The various militia groups at that time were encouraged to join the BKR -- Badan Keamanan Rakyat (The People's Security Organization) -- itself a subordinate of the "War Victims Assistance Organization". It was only in October 1945 that the BKR was reformed into the TKR -- Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (The People's Security Army) in response to the increasing Dutch presence in Indonesia. In the ensuing chaos between various factions and Dutch attempts to re-establish colonial control, Dutch troops captured Sukarno in December 1948, but were forced to release him after the ceasefire. He returned to Jakarta in December 28, 1949. At this time, Indonesia adopted a new federal constitution that made the country a federal state. This was replaced by another provisional constitution in 1950 that restored a unitary form of government. Both constitutions were parliamentary in nature, which--on paper--limited presidential power. However, even with his formally reduced role, he commanded a good deal of moral authority as Father of the Nation.

Sukarno's government was not universally accepted in Indonesia. Indeed, many factions and regions attempted to separate themselves from his government, and there were several internal conflicts even during the period of armed insurgency against the Dutch. One such example is the leftist-backed coup attempt by elements of the military in Madiun, East Java in 1948, in which many supporters of communism were allegedly executed.

There were further attempts of military coups against Sukarno in 1956, including the PRRI-Permesta rebellion in Sulawesi supported by the CIA, during which an American aviator, Allen Lawrence Pope, operating in support of the rebels was shot down and captured.


Sukarno, Indonesia's founding president

Sukarno (June 6, 1901 – June 21, 1970) was the first President of Indonesia. He helped the country win its independence from the Netherlands and was President from 1945 to 1967, presiding with mixed success over the country's turbulent transition to independence. Sukarno was forced down from power by one of his generals, Suharto, who formally became President in March 1967.

The spelling "Sukarno" has been official in Indonesia since 1947 but the older spelling Soekarno is still frequently used, mainly because he signed his signature in the old spelling. Official Indonesian presidential decrees from the period 1947-1968, however, printed his name using the 1947 spelling.

Indonesians also remember him as Bung Karno or Pak Karno.Like many Javanese people, he had one name; in religious contexts, he was occasionally referred to as 'Achmad Sukarno'.

Banda Islands

Banda Islands. Once one of the world's most valuable commodities,
it drew the first European colonial powers to Indonesia.


As early as the first century CE Indonesian vessels made trade voyages as far as Africa. Picture: a ship carved on Borobudur, circa 800 CE


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Republik Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia
Flag of Indonesia Coat of arms of Indonesia
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Old Javanese)
Unity in Diversity
National ideology: Pancasila[1]
Anthem: Indonesia Raya
Location of Indonesia
(and largest city) Jakarta
[show location on an interactive map] 6°10.5′S, 106°49.7′E
Official languages Indonesian
Demonym Indonesian
Government Presidential republic
- President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
- Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla
- Declared 17 August 1945
- Total 1,919,440 km² (16th)
735,355 sq mi
- Water (%) 4.85
- July 2007 est. estimate 234,693,997 (4th)
- 2000 census 206,264,595
- Density 134/km² (84th)
347/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2007 estimate
- Total $1,038 billion [2] (15th)
- Per capita $4,356 [3] (114th)
GDP (nominal) 2007 estimate
- Total $408 billion [2] (21st)
- Per capita $1,812 [2] (114th)
Gini (2002) 34.3 (medium)
HDI (2007) 0.728 (medium) (107th)
Currency Rupiah (IDR)
Time zone various (UTC+7 to +9)
Internet TLD .id
Calling code +62

The Republic of Indonesia (IPA: /ˌɪndoʊˈniːziːə/, /ˌɪndəˈniːziːə/) (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a nation in Southeast Asia. Comprising 17,508 islands, it is the world's largest archipelagic state. With a population of over 234 million people, it is the world's fourth most populous country and the most populous Muslim-majority nation, although officially it is not an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, with an elected parliament and president. The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the seventh century, when the Srivijaya Kingdom formed trade links with China. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Under Indian influence, Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished from the early centuries CE. Muslim traders brought Islam, and European powers fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Exploration. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.

Across its many islands, Indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest and politically dominant ethnic group. As a unitary state and a nation, Indonesia has developed a shared identity defined by a national language, a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka tunggal ika" ("Unity in Diversity" lit. "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. However, sectarian tensions and separatism have led to violent confrontations that have undermined political and economic stability. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country is richly endowed with natural resources, yet poverty is a defining feature of contemporary Indonesia.


Bombarment of Fort Mc Henry September 13 1814

The USS Enterprise Schooner

The USS Enterprise Schooner returns from The Carribbean ( March 9 1814)

Raja-Raja Bugis

Left to right: Raja Haji of Selangor, Jusuf Kalla, Indonesian vice president, and B.J. Habibie, former Indonesian president.

This article is about ethnic groups of South Sulawesi. For Bugis Street in Singapore, see Bugis Street.
Left to right: Raja Haji of Selangor, Jusuf Kalla, Indonesian vice president, and B.J. Habibie, former Indonesian president.
Total population

5.0 million (2000 census)
Regions with significant populations
South Sulawesi (Indonesia): 3.4 million
East Kalimantan (Indonesia): 0.4 million
Malaysia:728,465 a
Bugis, Indonesian, Malay
Islam, animism
a An estimated 3,500,000 claim Bugis descent.

The Bugis are the most numerous of the three major linguistic and ethnic groups of South Sulawesi, the southwestern province of Sulawesi, Indonesia's third largest island. Although many Bugis live in the large port cities of Makassar and Parepare, the majority are farmers who grow wet rice on the lowland plains to the north and west of the town of Maros. The name Bugis is an exonym which represents an older form of the name; (To) Ugi is the endonym.

The Bugis speak a distinct regional language in addition to Indonesian, called Basa Ugi, Bugis or Buginese. In reality, there are a several dialects, some of which are sufficiently different from others to be considered separate languages. Bugis belongs to the South Sulawesi language group; other members include Makasar, Toraja, Mandar and Enrekang, each being a series of dialects.

In historical European literature, the Bugis have a reputation for being fierce, war-like, and industrious. Honor, status, and rank are of great importance to the Bugis. They are a self-sufficient people who have a positive self-image and are very confident of their own abilities. As the most numerous group in the region (more than 5 million), they have had considerable influence on their neighbors.


Pinisi boats at the port of Paotere in Makassar


This article is about the city in Indonesia. For the town in South Africa, see Macassar, Western Cape.
Official seal of Makassar
Makassar (Indonesia)
Location of Makassar in Indonesia
Coordinates: [show location on an interactive map] 5°8′S 119°25′E / -5.133, 119.417
Country Indonesia
Province South Sulawesi
- Mayor Ilham Arief Sirajuddin
- Total 175.77 km² (67.9 sq mi)
- Total 1,250,000
Time zone WITA (UTC+8)
- Summer (DST) not observed (UTC+8)

Makassar, (Macassar, Mangkasar) is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the largest city on Sulawesi Island. From 1971 to 1999, the city was formally named Ujung Pandang, after a precolonial fort in the city, and the two names are often used interchangeably. The port city is located at [show location on an interactive map] 5°8′S, 119°25′E, on the southwest coast of the island of Sulawesi, facing the Makassar Strait.

Its area is 175.77 km² and has population of 1.25 million.